Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/19/20



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Nancy Pelosi wants more government and is adding in as many extras as possible to emergency measures and funding that President Trump is enacting. The Defense Production Act was adopted in 1950 as a result of the Korean War and gives the federal government lots of power to take over certain industries to benefit the national interest. Pelosi and the Democrats know that more people will die due to the nature of this virus and Pelosi positions herself to make it look like Trump is responsible for these unfortunate fatalities, instead of the virus. Meanwhile, it’s Congress and individual states that control how many doctors and then the amount of hospitals we have, yet they yell at Trump. This idiotic Certificate of Need law needs to be repealed. Then, a simple tele-medicine prescription allows access to a virus test for anyone doctors feel need to be tested. Later, Congress is imposing unfair paid leave costs on already struggling businesses that will bankrupt them. Finally, Rep T