Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/18/20



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, we have to unite in America and be mindful to not destroy our institutions. It’s a rat race for fake news. We owe a word of thanks to our nation's truckers who plow ahead without complaint. The U.S Postal Service, UPS, and FedEx have not taken any days off. Professional drivers, pilots, construction workers, and of course the doctors, nurses, and first-responders are all keeping us afloat. Thank you. Later, there are 36 states that prevent the expansion of hospitals due to a certificate of need regulation. These are antiquated regulations that are hurting us today. We need less regulation and more doctors and hospitals. We need to use the strength of our intelligence and abilities. This is what capitalism is all about; good ideas that generate demand will succeed in a free market. Incentivizing businesses with a tax credit for voluntarily protecting themselves with income insurance is a proposal worth considering. Afterward, its believed that the virus began in the Wuhan provin