Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/17/20



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, the private sector doesn't need saving. This government is making choices, whether right or wrong, that are affecting the economy and our supply train that was otherwise strong and healthy. Too many politicians want to spend their way out of this coronavirus crisis, but we have no guarantee that this spending is only being made in emergent circumstances. How do 'We The People" make sure that all of the power asserted by the federal government will be returned to 'We The People?" We can't. This is why a massive federal government response isn't always the answer. While the President's critics call him a totalitarian dictator and many of those same critics are now suggesting that Trump centralize all authority and usurp states’ rights. Trump isn't shutting down restaurants, its Governors, Mayors and county leaders that are doing that. So the question remains, how far should the government go and should the federal government become the employer of last resort. Then, these stimuli c