Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/11/20



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, everyone in the media thinks they are an "expert" when it comes to the handling of the Coronavirus. The left criticizes President Trump for relying on the "experts" and they bash him for not listening to the "experts." This hypocrisy from some conservatives reveals their predisposition to FDR-styled unilateral centralized control where the federal government commandeers private industries transforming them into quasi-government instruments. The media in America is not like China where two reporters went missing for reporting on Coronavirus. But let's not forget that the un-free press and Jim Acosta continue spreading hysteria in true FDR-fashion. In fact, if FDR were president we might see the federal government set up internment camps for Chinese Americans the way he set them up for Japanese Americans. Then, the 2020 election continues and Democrats are trying to push Bernie Sanders out of the race. Perhaps, if Joe Biden is the nominee, the presidential debates should be no le