Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/20/20



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, WJNO Host Brian Mudd fills in. Bernie Sanders is the Coronavirus, in so much as the threat of his campaign is diminishing — but it still has potential to hurt you. Sen. Elizabeth Warren went in for the knock-out punch on rival Mike Bloomberg in Wednesday’s Democrat debate. Warren's performance may have earned her a much needed round of fundraising for her campaign. While the critics are down-playing Bloomberg's performance, all we need to do is look back to 2016 when they said Trump was easily beatable. Of course today's field of Democrats that want to take away your freedoms are a far cry from the JFK Democrats who embraced America. The elimination of charter schools, abolish electoral college, and no limits on abortion are the policies of the so-called moderate, Pete Buttigieg. Then, phase one of the trade deal with China eliminated tariffs on billions of dollars’ worth of goods. But, that kind of trade will disappear if Sanders gets elected. Economic growth during President O