Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/18/20



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Who is Oscar Lopez-Rivera? He is someone that President Trump did not pardon today. Lopez-Rivera is an F.A.L.N. terrorist that was commuted by President Obama. Lopez-Rivera sought to bring a Marxist government to Puerto Rico and was responsible for the New York City bombing deaths of four Americans. Of course, Bernie Sanders, Bill de Blasio, and other communist-sympathizers lobbied for his commutation and are upset about President Trump's commutation of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Then, Amy Berman-Jackson is a terribly partisan federal judge that should never have been appointed. However, an association of federal judges has taken exception to Trump's exercise of free speech in tweeting his opinion of Roger Stone's excessive prison sentence for an alleged process crime. Attorney General Barr was well within his rights to intervene in this case, just as Trump was. The Department of Justice cannot "interfere" in something that is its responsibility. Later, every known ant