Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/12/20



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, the media is now accusing President Trump of interfering in Roger Stone's sentencing, but what actually happened was that the four rogue Robert Mueller prosecutors imposed an outrageously long prison term, so the Justice Dept. got involved and they all resigned. This has nothing to do with the President of the United States. However, President Franklin D. Roosevelt actually did put two peoples to death before they even had their trials. So, it's the Democrat president, FDR, that ruled like a king; it’s the Democrat Governor of New York that rejects federal immigration law by promoting sanctuary cities, and bail reform that let’s recidivists back on the streets. Yet, Stone gets 7-9 years in prison so he can rot in jail. Trump was correct in his criticism of Stone's abusive sentence. Then, Sen Bernie Sanders did not turn out his base as he did in 2016, he is struggling. Perhaps it’s because they know that he's promoting national rent control, destroying private health insurance,