Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/11/20



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the New York Times' 1619 project and the fixation on racism will destroy America as it conquers our public schools. This program seeks to destroy patriotism by teaching hate for this country to our students. That's why 12 scholars from across America have penned a critique of the NY Times' project to set the record straight. This is reminiscent of the "Progressive Project" and this is why we have candidates like Bernie Sanders. Then, Marxism is enormously destructive and there's something wrong with Democrats who openly support a Marxist like Sanders while the media covers for him. Marxism is responsible for impoverishing millions of humans around the globe. Later, prosecutors have recommended a 7-9 year prison sentence for Roger Stone and Judge Berman is not expected to be kind, either. This is the way that the left circumvents norms to create political prisoners in America. Also, Mike Bloomberg is dangerous Oligarch who uses flippant comments that demand liberty and support gun