Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/5/20



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, KARN Host Doc Washburn fills in. President Trump is acquitted for life and despite the rhetoric, there were 18 witnesses and thousands of documents as part of the House investigation. Just as Mark Levin said on social media, Mitt Romney voted against the Constitution with his vote today to remove a sitting president with an unconstitutional impeachment. Romney believes history will judge him as a courageous lone voice. It won’t. He’ll be seen for what he is: a petty self-promoter, despite his references to his faith. Then, in a moving moment President Trump introduced so many great Americans at last night's State of the Union address. From the mom taking advantage of school choice, to a soldier being reunited with his family and radio legend Rush Limbaugh being awarded the presidential medal of freedom by the First Lady, it was indeed quite an event. Despite the accomplishments, Democrats sat on their hands in silence. Afterward, so many Democrat members of Congress remain upse