Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/3/20



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh announced that he is seeking treatment for advanced lung cancer and deserves all of our prayers and support. Limbaugh is the golden age of radio and he is responsible for nationally syndicated talk radio's success over the past three decades. While many academics might be smitten with, or jealous of, Limbaugh he was never jealous of any of them. But the fact is that all Presidents, irrespective of Party, care about what Limbaugh says. Then, what's happening in the United States Senate is ridiculous. Adam Schiff's insane lying led to the biggest abuse of power from Nancy Pelosi that we've ever seen in the House. The diabolical genius of Marxism is that it approved the intellectual roadmap for people to support their own enslavement to government. Later, President Trump's attorney, Jay Sekulow, eviscerated the Democrat case against Trump simply using Lt. Col. Vindman's testimony word-by-word. Afterward's populists have it all wrong and need to understan