Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/29/20



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, a video of Ambassador John Bolton resurfaced today in which he admits that both calls between President Trump and President Zelensky were warm and cordial and that it was a "high priority of the United States to ensure that Ukraine was free of corruption." Trump has done nothing wrong and has every right to ensure that Ukraine's newest administration is not corrupt before sending them security assistance. Bolton's statement on this matter ends the discussion on this matter as Bolton's position on the situation was both clear and informed. Then, Democrats are impeaching Trump to prevent him from making another supreme court pick. This is why we can't take anything for granted and we must be active in influencing our elections. We must take action to promote freedom within our republic. Later, the media's latest bombshell is that the Democrats have known about Bolton's concerns since late September 2019. The bigger question is why the Democrats Eliot Engel and Jerry Nadler held o