Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/22/20



On Wednesdays Mark Levin Show, a firm grasp of history and the schools of intellectual thought that influenced our founders reveals that this impeachment is not just tyrannical it’s a pseudo-impeachment and a quasi-trial. With respect to precedent, no person ever has been slighted of their due process rights. This quasi trial is bogus because it's based on a pseudo-impeachment that doesn't meet the legal standard of high crimes and misdemeanors. Lamentably, the 'progressive' leftwing no longer cares for legal tradition when it doesn't fit their pre-determined outcome. Then, Chief Justice Roberts is giving this sham process legitimacy. We are witnessing the deconstitutionalization of America. The case that these corrupt political prosecutors made wasn't enough in the House but they turned a blind eye to the Constitution and voted on it anyway, and it won't be enough in the Senate. Later, the attempted soft coup of the President likely hatched with Adam Schiff and his staff colluding with the "whistleblower" Er