Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/14/20



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, history will not look favorably on Nancy Pelosi's antics; it will be said the President was denied basic due process rights and that the articles of impeachment were both unconstitutional and unsupported by precedent and tradition. Every one of these Republican Senators who choose to support the Democrats' coup will be remembered in history for their rogue unconstitutional behavior. As this program has pointed out, Mitch McConnell could have made a motion to dismiss this trial in the Senate, but he didn't have the votes. So now this sham will be given legitimacy in the Senate. Then, Trump and the Conservatives didn't start this impeachment war, the Democrats did, because they couldn't accept that he won an election. So now they use everything they have to destroy him. No matter what the outcome of the Senate trial, it remains the same that the GOP in the Senate is incapable of confronting tyranny. Afterward, Israel's Byzantine system is packed with leftists and doesn't even remot