Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/19/19



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the enemy of the Constitution, is the Speaker of the House. In true fascist fashion Pelosi is obstructing the Senate because they cannot control the trial there. So, at the direction of Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe, Pelosi has decided to put the brakes on sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate and snapped at reporters who asked if she was playing politics with the impeachment in order to gain leverage over the Senate process. The Senate has the sole power under the Constitution to adjudicate an impeachment. Therefore, Pelosi is attempting to obstruct the Senate’s power to act on its constitutional authority. Mitch McConnell should immediately put an end to this and declare the impeachment null and void as the speaker has failed to complete the impeachment process by timely sending it to the Senate for adjudication. McConnell has no less authority to unilaterally make such a decision than Pelosi does to withhold the administrative notification of the articles o