Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/10/19



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the highest law in the United States is the Constitution and all who serve in the government must adhere to our laws otherwise they are violating these laws. It's no surprise that the radical leftists in charge of Congress: Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler and Maxine Waters come from leftwing metropolitan areas with sanctuary cities that violate federal immigration through nullification. These radicals are abusing their power by impeaching a President without a single eye-witness that can attest to President Trump committing treason, high crimes, or misdemeanors. They have rejected exculpatory statements from President Zelensky of Ukraine and misstated the facts from the outset. Just like Barack Obama overstepped with his unlawful Executive Order decreeing that DACA was legal, the democrats have done the same. Indeed Democrats have a long documented history of using their political power punitively. Then, Attorney General Bill Barr pointed out 51 instances where the FBI om