Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/30/19



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, the California fire fighters courageously saved the Reagan library from the easy fire in Simi valley. Look at what the democrats have done to California, you can’t even take out underbrush to prevent fires. Blackouts, brownouts and deferred maintenance lead to disaster and that's what America can look forward to if the Democrats take over. Lamentably, just outside the Capitol in Fairfax County, which was once deep red in its politics, is no longer a safe community with great public schools but trudging toward becoming a deep blue sanctuary state as more and more illegal aliens flood the area. MS-13 gang members have been tied to multiple crimes and while school taxes have gone up the quality of life has gone down. Virginia is becoming California in the name of equity because it is equity that they use to quash dissent. Assimilation is to the English language is key to maintaining parity in our republic. Then, our doubts about the whistleblower have been accurate and the democra