Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/25/19



On Friday’s Mark Levin show, CNN’s Jake Tapper is the Walter Durante of our time yet he says nothing about freedom of the press being obstructed by the secretive depositions being conducted solely by Democrats in the House of Representatives. When Jim Acosta lost his White House press credentials CNN hired a powerhouse law firm, but when Democrats in the House blocked the press, where's the lawsuit? Tapper purports that when the GOP had the majority they too held private interviews instead of public testimony, however, this unfair comparison is that an impeachment inquiry must be compared to the other previous impeachment inquiries of Presidents Johnson, Nixon, and Clinton. The process is important and they must be compared fairly, especially since the facts are in dispute and the un-tested testimony taken in secret is not available to the public or the press, except for the opening statements that have been selectively leaked to the media. Yes, process matters! Then, Andrew McCabe retired in disgrace after t