Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/14/19



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the modern Democrat Party Press has shown its hand in today's video of CNN CEO Jeffrey Zucker's candid anti-Trump directives focused on pushing an impeachment narrative on the network's programming. Where does free speech end and where do our campaign finance laws begin? Did CNN cross the line and literally become the news agency of the Democratic Party in these new undercover videos from Project Veritas? Then, there more leaks from the Democrats that once wanted secret Grand Jury information and are now conducting secret closed-door hearings. Democrats say there is no requirement for them to follow previous precedents set for impeachment inquiries. In that case, there is no Constitutional requirement for the President to participate in this secretive process either. From the phony Russsian dossier and the spy in the Trump campaign to the spying in the White House on the President's phone call with the Ukranian President, there has been a pattern of leaking from current and intell