Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/8/19



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Brian Mudd of WJNO fills in for Mark. There's a lot of sleight-of-hand going on as people try to distract you as the tail wags the dog. Similar to the conspiracy that was disproven by the Mueller Report, which concluded that no Americans colluded with Russia in the 2016 election, so the Democrats are back with a new story. This story starts right after disgraced former FBI Director Andrew McCabe was referred for criminal prosecution with the emergence of a Whistleblower. The timing was helpful because Congress wasn't getting anywhere with their weak claim of obstruction, so the whistleblower and Ukrainian collusion is the new smoking gun. But they sat on it for two months before they leaked it to the media. The problem is that President Trump decided to release the transcripts of the phone call with the Ukrainian president. That's why Nancy Pelosi changed the rules. It’s also quite clear that actors like John Brennan also were involved. Also, importantly, despite widespread Democ