Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/3/19



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the so-called whistleblower is now reported to be a registered Democrat. However, the "urgent concern" statute doesn't apply to the president's phone call, therefore going through the regular whistleblower process would have been appropriate, going to Rep Adams Schiff's office was not. Schiff's lies that he had not coordinated with the whistleblower or their attorney Mr. Zaid have gone unaddressed. It’s clear that he colluded with Speaker Nancy Pelosi Then, Leader Mitch McConnell says that a hearing must be held on impeachment in the Senate; however, the famous Harry Reid "nuclear option" gives the Senate this option. There is no Constitutional requirement for the Senate to hold an impeachment trial. Pelosi's parliamentary maneuvers abuse the power of the House and prevent the Republican Representatives in House from voting on behalf of their constituents — We The People. The Senate should accept the impeachment charges when they come and impeach them with a simple majority vote