Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/27/19



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Democrats from deep blue states have parted with the tradition of voting for an impeachment inquiry. Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with Chairmen Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler are driving this process in obscurity, with a hearsay witness that they claim is a confidential whistleblower. Not even Julian Assange or Edward Snowden was treated this graciously by the media for their 'whistleblowing.' The American people have a right to know who is making these allegations. The Democrats have been in receipt of this complaint for some time and it appears that Schiff may be leaking to the media and working with the whistleblower. Republicans must make this as painful for the Democrats as possible. They must demand their own witnesses including Schiff's staff and the whistleblower and his lawyer must be questioned. Republicans must blow up the Democrats' scheme and expose them as they make their case to the American people! Then, despite her own ethical issues related to her relationship to Chi