Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/20/19



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Joe Biden obstructed justice by interfering with a Ukranian government investigation into his son's business dealings and threatened to withhold foreign aid if the prosecutor wasn't fired. The Wall Street Journal is still pushing the pseudo-event that the media has been pushing this week. The claim is that President Trump had a conversation with the Ukranian government about investigating potential wrongdoings by former Vice President Biden's son Hunter and his involvement with a Ukranian gas company. Biden, of course, forced the hands of the Ukrainians to fire the Ukranian state prosecutor that was investigating a money trail that led to Hunter Biden. Then, despite Speaker Pelosi saying that a sitting president should be able to get impeached, the reality is different. It would be an impossible burdon on the American people if a single prosecutor could decide to in effect reverse the results of a national election. Later, U.S forces will be supporting the air defense in Saudi Ara