Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/11/19



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, the 9/11 attack on the continental U.S was the most violent attack waged against us in American History. Osama Bin Laden organized it, Al Qaeda executed it, and Afghanistan gave these terrorists safe passage and refuge and that is why we're at war there 18 years later. It's not helpful or necessary to trash John Bolton over policy disagreements. Speaking as a patriotic American that cares for our troops should not be considered being a warmonger, while Sen. Rand Paul parades around as a go-between for Iran's dictatorial regime. After the slaughter of our fellow Americans, should we invite and meet with the terrorist group responsible for this? No. Imagine if an experienced National Security Advisor like John Bolton was in office at the end of the Clinton Administration or early in the Bush 43 Administration. Then, in 1983 Iranian-funded terrorists in Beirut, Lebanon killed 241 American military service members as they slept in their barracks, this attack gave rise to Hezbollah.