Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/5/19



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the climate change debate isn't about climate, it’s about bringing America back to the stone ages. It's about reversing every bit of technology that came out of the industrial revolution. The progressives want to drag America back in time to a pre-industrial period, a time where we didn't use gas, electricity, assembly lines, or refrigeration. This is widespread systemic propaganda intended to destroy the fundamentals of this great country. Then, the heroes of the industrial revolution were regarded as boogeymen despite their huge contributions to the advancement of our society and economy. Yet we still have critics today chipping away at American exceptionalism in the name of climate change, because to the Democrats everything is attributable to climate change or racism. Beto O'Rourke even went as far as comparing the 'danger' of climate change to the danger of Nazi Germany to the Jews in the 1940s. Later, Democrats suggest that we should use public schools to combat climate ch