Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/3/19



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, all of the 2020 Democrat candidates that trash the Constitution and Bill of Rights should visit the National Archives and see them in person. Those offering free this and free that are using the hook of tyrants to lure people away from liberty needed to personally witness our founding documents. However, the left teaches that we are to hate our founding, the NY Times lies and says that the country was founded in 1619 on the basis of slavery. We now have a major political party, the Democrats, that have as their purpose to fundamentally transform America by ignoring and eliminating the Bill of Rights and our founding overall. Their latest quest is to abandon the Second Amendment in the name of compassion, but destroying our liberties is not the answer. Increasing punishment for violent criminals illegally using guns might be a start. Then, choosing to live in hurricane-prone areas is your responsibility, not the state, or federal government's. Joe Bastardi calls in to give us the