Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 9/2/19



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, we bring you the Best of Mark Levin! Yale Professor Bandy X Lee, author of a book with several other Psychiatrists alleging that President Trump is dangerous, calls in to debate with Mark. According to Dr. Lee "in 2015, the interactions I'd seen between candidate Trump and his rally was disturbing." Then, latest national poll by Monmouth University shows a three-way tie for presidential Candidates Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Biden. However, contrary to what we’ve been told, the majority of Democrats (78%) do not support the abolition of private Healthcare which is what Medicare-For-All calls for. Such a healthcare proposal would increase income taxes by 216% for what Democrat call 'the middle class.' A federal wealth tax is how they plan to sell it, but this won't expand liberty and opportunity, this will only confiscate more earnings from people that the Democrats label as "wealthy." This leaves the Democrats vulnerable to solely rely on reparations f