Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/26/19



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the media has recycled their old attack on President Trump labeling him as mentally ill while he was away at the G7 Summit in France. Media types like Brian Stelter and Bret Stephens join in with Psychiatrists who chorus to echo the same narrative. Then, the threat of the Iranian regime and their support for terrorism should never be underestimated and the United States should not sit down for any talks with this kind of enemy. Iran's fingerprints are all over so many acts of terror including the murder of U.S military members as they slept in their barracks. It was wise of Trump to not accept a meeting with Iran's Foreign Minister at the Summit. Later, If America was founded on slavery why don't we have it today? Because it’s wrong and people didn't want it so they outlawed it. Afterward, as predicted on this program the New York Times published a story about their anti-Semitic writer who was exposed on twitter last week. The Times piece flipped the narrative onto Trump, noting t