Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/21/19



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, despite President Obama's association with anti-Semites the media never questioned him as a racist, despite giving Iran — a sworn enemy of Israel, a committed U.S ally — billions in a bribe to keep them from pursuing nuclear weapons. And despite having a photo with Louis Farrakhan, Obama was never questioned by the complicit social activist media. Yet they blame President Trump for playing identity politics, but never Obama. The media neglects Jewish organizations that support Israel and its right to exist and favor anti-Israel Jew-haters to side with the Palestinians when they seek comment. The Palestinian Authority has banned LGBTQ activities with threats of arrest for such engagement. Anti-Semitism is on the rise within the Democrat ranks; despite Speaker Pelosi's power struggle with "the squad" little has been done to condemn it. Then, Trump calls out Peter Alexander from NBC News for biased questioning. Later, despite slavery being banned in 1808, the 1619 slavery fall