Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/20/19



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the amount of income earned by the rich is arithmetically impossible to use tax revenue to fund all of the free programs proposed by leftwing Democrats running for president. Then, with support from the New York Times and the Washington Post leftists keep pushing Medicare For All but it’s a lie. They will, eventually, destroy Medicare in the name of "human rights." Yet Americans aren't flocking to Canada, Cuba, or England where socialized medicine is a right. Later, the attack on justice continues with prison reform. Governor Gavin Newsom launches a new attack on police with an initiative to eliminate "reasonable use" of force and replace it with a "necessary use." After, we keep hearing that after talking to the NRA President Trump changed his idea on gun control. Maybe he changed his mind because he knew it wouldn’t work? Do the media ever say that democrats changed their idea on abortion after calling planned parenthood? No. Finally, the Washington Post gets called out on