Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/13/19



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, we have a lawless, un-American Democrat Party and in an act of legislative tyranny, several high profile Democrats have threatened to restructure the US Supreme Court if they don't curb their rulings on gun control. Historically, criticism of judges has been met with disdain by the media. But now, Democrats are pushing to criminalize court-packing (only if it's stacked with Conservatives). They are trying to change the make-up of the Court just like they've tried to change the outcome of the election by relentlessly going after President Trump, his finances, and his family. Over the decades, Democrats have been the party of segregation, Jim Crow laws, and opposing the Civil Rights Act. The Democrat Party is the Party of tyranny. Then, the left is in hate America mode, so we must be in defend liberty mode because reparations and systemic racism in this day and age are not accurate — its a political ploy to regain the loss of African American voters leaving the Democrat Party. Lat