Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/12/19



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Jeffrey Epstein was a big Democrat donating the maximum contributions to Chuck Schumer, John Kerry, and Bill Clinton, all Democrats just like Harvey Weinstein. The 'Me Too' movement is largely comprised of Democrats, yet the media doesn't report on that, they report on President Trump's tweet mocking the Clintons regarding the outrageous death of Epstein. The media and the Democrats will change the subject from sex-trafficking to attacking Trump because of their hatred for the president. Ignoring the modern-day slave trade that is being perpetrated against little girls every single day. All so the Dems and media can keep attacking our country, institutions, and rights. Then, social activism continues to replace fact-based journalism, with one article after another targeting the president as a white supremacist, despite his private sector hiring of more minorities than MSNBC and CNN combined. The media can't help but paint Trump as racist. Later, Acting Director of US Citizensh