Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/9/19



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, WPHT Radio Host, Rich Zeoli, fills in. Joe Biden is confused, he praised the segregationist former Gov. George Wallace who stopped black children from going to school with white children. Yet the media claims that President Trump is sending secret racist massages by ordering flags to be flown at half-mast in memory of the shooting victims of El Paso and Dayton, because he ordered this to be done on 8/8 which correlate with the initials H.H. Then, the way to disarm a population is one gun at a time and the most recent examples are the Red Flag law proposals. California is looking to expand these red flag laws to include co-workers, friends, teachers, and ex-lovers. Such Red Flag laws offer less due process than the law typically allows and that opens the door a rapid loss of our rights. This flies in the face of American jurisprudence. Later, this all boils down to defending ourselves from our own government. All of this rhetoric from the left is intended to stop Donald Trump's el