Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/5/19



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, following the two acts of domestic terrorism this weekend our nation is worn out, worn down, and we already knew that following these horrific slaughters that the media would blame President Trump, the NRA, and the second amendment. However, the one word we're not hearing is — virtue. Virtue has been pushed off of television, out of the movie theaters, and even out of the public square because of the Supreme Court. As such, morality is up for grabs, this is the breakdown of our civil society. Virtue, morality, and faith cannot be legislated. We should celebrate morality and virtue for only faith and a commitment to law and order that stop terrorist acts such as these, not more government. Later, this media has become sick and vicious; never once does the media pause for a moment of introspection or self-reflection. perhaps dialing back their own inflammatory rhetoric. Self-reflecting on whether they should get back to reporting the news based on facts, not social opinions. In