Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/16/19



On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Yet another pseudo-event is being perpetuated as the term "women of color" dominates headlines regarding President Trump's comments that the four Congresswomen should leave America if they don't like it here. Speaker Nancy Pelosi violated House rules when she called Trump's tweets "racist." Congressman Emmanuel Cleaver raised his concerns with both Parties and walked out of the chamber. Shortly after, Parliamentarian Steny Hoyer found that the Speaker's comments were out of order and violated the House's rules, but he allowed her comments to remain on the record after being banned from speaking for the rest of the day. Pelosi later embraced the four radical anti-Semitic Representatives as her "sisters." Then, Joe Biden chimed in to say that Trump is the most racist president in U.S History, despite his own misgivings with segregationists and his long ties with the racist Democrat Party. Later, the Washington Free Beacon reports that U.S Dept. of Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos,