Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/31/19



On Friday’s Mark Levin show, NBC News and Mediaite falsely claim that Mark Levin played a role in President Trump’s Mexico tariff plan and has caused the stock market to respond negatively. Interestingly, the poorly-sourced articles fail to note that Mark has always challenged Trump on tariffs with the exception of China which should be heavily tariffed for their theft of U.S intellectual property and animus toward our nation, nor did they even bother to reach put to Mark for a comment on the story. Later, the President has done everything conceivable to secure the southern border, but the Democrats want to politicize this issue and the Republicans when they controlled the House did nothing to secure the border. So Trump must play the hand he has and uses the executive branch, which he is in charge of, to remedy this situation by leveraging tariffs to push Mexico to secure their own borders which in effect will help secure ours. Then, the New York Times has banned their reporters from appearing on Don Lemon's