Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/29/19



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, the Bill of Rights affords all of us due process including the President of The United States. Special Counsel Robert Mueller gave his opinions in his report and in his statement today. Not a single prosecutor in the U.S is permitted to editorialize their findings, yet Mueller had no problem in doing so and rejected calls to answer questions to the media or Congress. Mueller’s statements have well exceeded his report in a last ditch effort to give Democrats the ammunition to impeach the president. Impeachment was always his original intent. Mueller's unwillingness to answer questions from the media and from Congress prevent his report and conduct from under scrutiny by the Senate Judiciary Committee and others. These actions are an affront to our Bill of Rights and are far more divisive than anything Vladimir Putin as ever done, and every serious citizen, lawyer and prosecutor know it! Then, Lindsey Graham needs to subpoena Mueller so he can defend his report findings and the l