Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/10/19



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, the cabal of James Comey, James Baker, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page, should be brought into a Grand Jury to give testimony, and given the Donald Trump Treatment; they should have to turn over a million documents, be subpoenaed over and over again, and their associates, their accountants, their lawyers, their private businesses and their children should be subpoenaed as well. Speaker Nancy Pelosi should also provide her tax returns including her husband Paul Pelosi's income so they can be transparent with the American people when it comes to their business and finances, the same way they want Trump to be. Then, the FBI's story regarding the Christopher Steele Dossier paid for by the Hillary Campaign and the Democrat National Committee, is unraveling. It's now known that the Deputy Secretary of State typed a report citing the non-factual nature of the Steele Dossier and reported it to her seniors, this was put on the record well before the dossier was used to obtain any FISA warrants