Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/9/19



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Maryland and DC filed suit a few months ago claiming President Trump violated the emoluments clause of the Constitution; suggesting that he is receiving money from foreign governments via a hotel owned by his family and that this is a way of paying off the president. The NY State Senate has passed a bill of attainder, which is not legal at the federal level and if this law, which is aimed at only one person, passes the State of NY will hand over Trump's NY State tax records. The Democrats at the national and state levels are wholly dedicated to destroying Trump any way they can whether there's a crime or not. While Trump is the victim of malfeasance by the FBI and those within the Hillary campaign that colluded with Russian propaganda apparatchiks. Yet the attacks continue including Sen. Richard Burr's request to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. again, despite having been exonerated by the Special Counsel's investigation and despite having already offered hours of testimony. Congress h