Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/3/19



On Friday’s Mark Levin show, most of us can’t remember when the unemployment rate was 3.6%, which is considered full employment. The media should be celebrating that capitalism works, tax cuts work, deregulation works. This is the exact opposite of what Democrats are saying works. President Trump’s economic policies are fantastic even with no Democrat support and under vicious attack by the media and Democrats pushing impeachment and investigations. Also, Trump is constantly accused of abusing his power. Did he abuse his power like Barack Obama, Lyndon Johnson or FDR? No, Trump hasn’t done anything like they have. Not even close. Trump has been one of the most transparent Presidents in history. Later, China is our enemy. The Pentagon says that the Chinese military is growing fast enough and could challenge U.S. military superiority. Under Obama they undermined our military and Trump is trying to reverse course. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit