Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 5/1/19



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, the Democrats told Attorney General William Barr that he misled the American people in today's Senate Judiciary hearing. Simply put, Robert Mueller had no basis for an indictment and that's why he didn't pursue any criminal charges; it's pretty open and shut. President Trump did not assert executive privilege and waived his attorney-client privilege by allowing White Counsel Don McGahn to speak with Mueller. Barr didn't have to release any of the report, but he chose to for the sake of transparency. While this is untrue it is likely because Mueller was upset about how the media has been portraying his report. Mueller's team of leakers are now reaping what they've sewn. Today they were called to the carpet for their leaking and Barr went on the record saying that there is an active investigation into criminal leaking. The bottom line remains that there was no conspiracy to collude with the Russian government and there was no obstruction of justice offense either, hence there wer