Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/25/19



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the media has learned nothing from the Russian Collusion investigation. Rolling stone writer Matt Taibbi has penned a sober clarification of the facts debunking so much of the faulty reporting that has circulated over the past two years. The media are destroying themselves with their distortion of objective truth. Then, Joe Biden announced his presidential bid in with a video maligning Donald Trump portraying him as a supporter of White Supremacy. Yet Prime Minister Netanyahu has said that Trump has been the best friend to Israel of any U.S President before him. Also, in 1975 Biden told NPR that the concept of bussing was flawed because it promoted integration instead of self-segregation. Later, Mueller's report was a recitation by a prosecutor, not an indictment. There were no charges. This is a political ploy to impeach the president. Afterward, John Heubusch, Executive Director of the Ronald Reagan Foundation, calls in to invite the listeners to a book signing and lecture of