Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/22/19



On Monday's Mark Levin Show, some parts of the media are repulsive with their reporting on the Mueller report. The Democrats love the slanted reporting because it helps their attacks on President Trump. Despite the fact that Robert Mueller found no collusion and made no charges, under seal or otherwise, on the allegations of obstruction of justice. Yet Trump and his legal team made a million documents available, waived executive privilege and allowed Mueller to interview his White House lawyer. If Mueller were a regular U.S. Attorney he'd be disbarred for writing such political fiction. A prosecutor's report is always confidential but Mueller's was made public by AG William Barr at Trump's request to be transparent and set the record straight. Then, according to Germen-American propagandist Edward Bernays, "[T]he new propaganda...takes account not merely of the individual, nor even of the mass mind alone, but also of the anatomy of society, with its interlocking group formations and loyalties... Touch a nerve