Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/12/19



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, illegal aliens and all Democrat experiments should happen in blue states and be paid for by people in those states. This idea of nullifying immigration law is a throwback to the Confederacy. The left supports secession as long as it's issue-based; arguing that the President (Obama) alone should have plenary power when it comes to immigration. When President Trump enforces federal immigration law then the left no longer wants him to have plenary power. Liberals like to pick and choose which laws to enforce as long as they trash Trump. The media claims to fact-check Trump, but they've never been interested in fact-checking Obama. Moreover, where are the Latino's on CNN? They demand diversity as long as it doesn't impact them. We are a nation of citizens, not a nation of immigrants! Then, Federal District Judge Carlton Reeves went on an anti-Trump rant charging the president with being a racist. It's grossly irresponsible for an arbiter of justice to make such incendiary statements.