Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/28/19



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, We salute the Republican members of the House that have finally gone on the offensive to correct the record and hold Rep. Adam Schiff accountable for his lies about Russian collusion by asking him to resign as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee. Of course, Schiff had a meltdown today in a House hearing spewing lie after lie juxtaposing all of this with his false sense of moral outrage. Rep. Elijah Cummings is now seeking 10 years’ worth of President Trump's financial records. This type of overreach is unprecedented. Despite the fact that then Senator Lyndon B. Johnson bought radio and television stations and became a millionaire while serving in government, they still want this level of access into Trump's businesses and personal financial records—something that they have no legal right to as part of their oversight responsibilities. The president and his allies in the Congress ought to hold all members of Congress to the same standard that they are holding him to. This is n