Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/7/19



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, so many Americans fought in WW2 in Europe against the Third Reich along with the Japanese and the Italians. This is our hard-fought and hard-won history in the United States. So many tough battle-hardened men were brought to their knees by the horrific sites of mass graves, massive human graves and humans that were so emaciated that there was no muscle or fat, solely skin and bones on their frail dying bodies. The Jews sought to have a homeland so they could defend themselves. Despite multiple attempts to erase Israel from existence, Israel has been victorious. But now we have members of Congress that talk about all the same things that the Nazi's spoke about and the Democrats have been silent. Freshmen Rep. Ilhan Omar is a lowlife for how she acts. She and her colleagues, Rep's Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have embraced a totalitarian mindset and it goes unchecked by the Democrats. Today's flimsy Anti-Hate Resolution was a condemnation of the American People by t