Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/21/19



On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, free healthcare, free college, free childcare, free Universal Basic Income and now reparations are being proposed by 2020 candidates including Sen. Elizabeth Warren. The reason is to raise the income levels of black households. Yet in 2019 most people in this country are generations removed from slavery. Sen.Kamala Harris recently supported similar legislation rooted in race. However, Democrats rarely support school choice which actually can equalize opportunities for all people, irrespective of race. The truth is that people succeed in spite of their race and history not because of it. So spending trillions on universal basic income, Family Medical Leave, a national sales tax, wealth tax, and reparations will not improve society, it will ultimately only enslave it. These policies have no respect for individuals. Yet, the bigger story is our ballooning national debt which no one in the media cares about. Some experts expect the debt to grow to 148% of the gross domestic product.