Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/20/19



On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Freedom of the Press is an extension of free speech which was revolutionized by the printing press. Printers were suppressed by the colonial governments through restrictive regulation on critical speech and matters of religion. As James Madison contemplated the revolution and America's founding and came up with 12 Amendments to the new Constitution, of which 10 were ratified—becoming the Bill of Rights. These amendments only applied to the new centralized federal government, not the states. Jefferson disagreed with how libel laws would be upheld and prosecuted at the state level. The Supreme Court eventually ruled on this creating a test for libel laws that opened Pandora’s box. The Supreme Court's test has limited public officials from virtually any protection or relief from a dishonest media with no checks and balances. In effect, this creates a monopoly on truth in the media because they cannot be held accountable for lying. Quite simply this rejects the notion of liberty fo