Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/15/19



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Brian Mudd from WJNO fills in for Mark. President Trump declares a National Emergency for the border wall because we need to start with border security. Trump had modernized and fixed 654 miles of wall so far which covers a third of the border and there's 280 miles of the border that is desperately in need of a barrier and or repairs to existing fences. The number one priority is a 55 mile stretch along the Rio Grande River. The current continuing resolution expires just before the next election and Trump's Art of The Deal secured enough funding to cover the most precarious part of the border. If Trump wins in court defending the National Emergency he won't need to negotiate with Congress anymore, if he doesn't then we'll be taking up this issue again just prior to the 2019 elections. Then, Socialism is simply a system of shared misery for a fifth of the U.S standard of living. Whichever veneer they use, 21st Century Socialists, Democratic Socialists, and their comrades fail to re