Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/8/19



On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Briand Mudd of WJNO fills in for Mark. The confirmation process of Bill Barr shows just how far left the Democrat party has moved in just a few decades. When Barr was confirmed under George HW Bush he was cleared unanimously, but now as President Trump’s nominee he barely cleared on a party line vote. 20 years ago, Nancy Pelosi was considered a radical leftist among her Democrat colleague, but today she’s the norm. The Democrats keep moving the goalposts further left, paving the way for more radical ideas and giving oxygen to people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Also, there’s no element of right and wrong with the left when it comes to their own, which is what we’re seeing in Virginia with the numerous scandals emerging. The biggest scandal of all is the denial of the science of life. The leftist argument is always if you don’t believe in science you’re a science denier, but it’s the opposite case when it comes to abortions. Finally, Trump didn’t run on the border wall issue beca