Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 2/1/19



On Friday's Mark Levin Show, the Washington Examiner reports that former Vice President Joe Biden embraced segregation in 1975, claiming it was a matter of 'black pride'. When asked if he was a racist he said, “he had asked "the blacks on my staff" whether he harbored something "in me that’s deep-seated that I don’t know." He also continued that a homogeneous society or de-segregation was bad for the African American identity. This seems like an attempt to have it both ways pandering to both blacks and whites during a time where race riots were looming. America today has more diversity today than ever before, yet Biden seems to suggest that an integrated society might somehow be bad. Similar to Biden is VA Governor Ralph Northam's new problem of a photo of him in his yearbook posing as either a KKK member or with his face painted in black face. Later, Rep. Ilhan Omar believes in a 70—90% tax, in particular on corporations and wealthy individuals suggesting that business be forced to share their profits with t